My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book was all over the place. I felt like Persephone was making a whole bunch of mistakes and isn't giving a damn about the consequences, and she's not caring for herself. She's not even thinking straight when it came to her friends and her relationship with Hades. She's just doing everything and damning the consequences, which is very bad in my opinion. Every time she and Hades have a conversation, she's either holding back on him, or she's yelling at him, which really doesn't make any sense at all. Why fight him, then turn around and smash him after you get done yelling at him? What kind of relationship is that???
Then the whole thing with Apollo just really...confused me? Like she made a deal with him to be his friend for six months because you wanna save your friend Lexa-which will be my next point of discussion when I get to it-and when he agrees after you nearly take off his penis with your thorns, the first thing he does he take you to a club and forces you to judge a contest that shows how ruthless you can be...like sir? The hell is your damn problem? And he gets mad when she chooses the other guy over you...is you dumb??
The whole Lexa thing was just....plain weird and plain selfish. Lexa wanted to DIE, and yet Persephone tried everything in her power to save her, only for it to backlash in her face...and you want me to feel sorry for her? Really? 'Oh she needed to go through this' BULLSHIT. I felt like Persephone wasn't thinking with her brain or her heart, she just went through it without the consequences. She should've talked this through and not just jumped in, wholeheartedly, into this. If she did that, I think she would've been fine and the book would've been much better. Will I finish this series off? I might, but not for a minute because this book was a hella mess and it's my least favorite one out of the series.
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