
Monday, July 18, 2022

Book Review: Blood Red by Mercedes Lackey

Blood Red (Elemental Masters, #9)Blood Red by Mercedes Lackey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a very good retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, but with werewolves and Elemental Magic and fighting. I was honestly going into this book not really liking it, but after I read the whole entire thing, I was in love with how the story went, how Rosa is the Hunt Master and is always learning all the time about what’s going on before she judges, and also how they took down the shifter that was killing all of those people in that village.

I liked how Mercedes Lackey made sure she respects the romani people in the book (even though the characters uses the slur, I will not write said slur down) and I also liked how she showed Rosa taking the train and seeing how taking the train can affect her magic and how she dealt with people and how she was serviced on the train. Even though half the book she was at Count Graf’s home, I also love how comfortable she was as she went through the Graf’s tests (which was very weird, tbh). But when Dominic and Markos showed up, and Markos revealed that he’s a werewolf, but he shifts, I really enjoyed how Rosa asked questions and she kept getting reassured that he isn’t going to harm her in anyway.

When they went to the village to hunt down the shifter, I liked how they did it together, and when Markos left to hunt down the shifter and didn’t come back (after their whole ass argument about it) Rosa jumping into action immediately was a really good point in the book, and how she calls for the forest spirits to help her drag each and every werewolf out before going in and finding Markos and fighting the huge werewolf shifter.

I got worried when I thought Dominic was dead, but then I got scared when Rosa was almost killed. But they survived and now Rosa went back to Count Graf’s place and Markos and Dominic is staying in the village to make sure those shifters never come back to harm the village. Another thing I loved about this book was that Rosa showed the mayor of the town a tiny bit of magic, something simple and easy that even I could do if I ever lived in this world.

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