
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Book Review: Serpent and Dove by Shelby Mahurin

Serpent & Dove (Serpent & Dove, #1)Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Serpent and Dove...a book that for some reason people don’t like and I have no idea why, but that is their opinion-this is mine, and I liked it, to tell you the truth.

I liked the story of a witch marrying a witch hunter, and trying to hide her past because of her mother-I’m writing a fanfic about something like that, all except it’s the father that scares the daughter (and has done terrible things to the couple). But as I read it more, I liked the magic system in the story, and even though the French part confuses me sometimes, I truly did enjoy this book.

I have to say that yes, I’ve fallen for Reid Diggory, and since he’s married, I’m going to look respectfully, because 1.) the man is tall 2.) he’s stiff as a damn board-like really, stiff as a board, but throughout the book you see him grow into a man who really cares for his wife, even when he finds out that she’s a witch and told her that she wasn’t his wife when she was revealed she was one (that one broke my heart when he said that, just...torn into little tiny pieces when he said that.

The sad part was throughout the book was Louise’s mother, Morgane, even though she came at the middle of the book, and holy hell that woman is giving me hella, hella crazy mama/Dahlia from The Originals season two, but good fucking god Dahlia wasn’t this fucking crazy. To stab your own daughter in the throat and then sacrifice her? The fuck, lady, the fuck.

I mean...I was so angry that I wanted??? To Scream??? Like what the hell?? Why U do that for??? But at least Reid was there to stop her (and also, press F in the chat for the Archbishop...that I don’t really like because he was an asshole, but he found out he was Lou’s father) but I have to say my favorite part of this book is when the witches attacked the Chassures and also when Reid and the others walk into the Dame Blanches’ home in those funny disguises. But the one thing that shocked me was when Reid could see a pattern and just acted on it, and it was revealed that he can see magic, and that he’s also a male witch, which I found exciting because it was so unexpected to see really.

But can we talk about sweet Ansel? Sweet, adorable Ansel, who didn’t trust Lou at first, but the more he was around her, the more I wanted to protect this boy. Even when Reid and Lou had a fight, he wanted to go after her (and he almost did) but after meeting up with Coco, Beau and Madame Labelle (Reid’s mama, by the by) and plotting to get Lou out of Chateau le Blanc and I loved it??? So much??? That I wanted more??? (Which I do have Blood and Honey, but I’m going to read it next year).

I cannot wait and see where this story goes and how Morgane survives, and if they beat her, because this was actually pretty damned good, if I say so myself.

View all my reviews


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