
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Book Review: Queen of Shadows, a Throne of Glass Novel by Sarah J. Maas

Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, #4)Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of Shadows...oh. My. God.

This book...this WORLD.

Hello Erilea, I missed you so much. Oh, and hello to you two, Rowan. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH AS WELL.

There is so much stuff to unpack with this book, so I'm going to start with Aelin and her returning to Rifthold to stop the Valg demons and the King (which shocked the unholy hell out of me once I read it). So Aelin returns to Rifthold and had been forming a plan to take down the evil King and his Valg commanders, and to also free her cousin and save Prince Dorian, who is trapped beneath a collar and is under the control of his father. So her plans had to deal with Aborynn (in which I fucking cringed, like holy hell I hate Aborynn SO FREAKING MUCH), which resulted in her and Lysandra becoming friends and her taking down Aboryn by letting her kill him in his sleep. They did have to save Lysandra (by 'they' I mean Aelin, Aedion, Rowan and Chaol), all the while meeting Manon and her Thirteen, and also seeing the King again and Valg!Dorian. Once they put their plan into motion-using hellfire to destroy the glass tower to bring back magic-it almost didn't work, mostly because of the King and the power of the valg, but when the King said he killed Chaol, Dorian forced the demon out of his head and ripped the collar from his neck, then with Aelin's help, they destroyed the glass castle and killed the king.

Now Manon and her Thirteen...whoo boy. Those Blackbeaks, I tell ya...hooly hell those girls went though hell, I tell ya, hell. Because Perrigton wanted to breed the witches, and Manon gave up the Yellowlegs. But once she found out what they were doing to them (thanks to Elide Lochan) she didn't send any more witches down there, even when she talked to Asterin and found out what her grandmother did to her (which was fucking terrible, by the way) and also, also...




Do I ship them? Not yet, but slowly but surely I am. Am I glad the kingdom is safe once again? Yes...yes I am. Am I fucking worried that now Perrington and Maeve and Erawan is about to let loose a war that I hope everyone on the good side wins? Yes.

And also RIP Kaltain Rompier and I'm fucking sorry Perrington treated you like shit and did horrible things to you.

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