
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Book Review: All Systems Red: The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells

All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries, #1)All Systems Red by Martha Wells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first read Murderbot in May, I felt like I wasn't going to like the series because of the narrator-he was too clunky in my opinion. But when I finally read it-OH MY GOD. I loved it. Every bit of it. Murderbot was the funniest character I've ever encountered in my whole life, and on top of that, I loved the action, I loved how Murderbot interacted with the people they were looking after, and I also loved how sweet it was each time Dr. Mensah cared for Murderbot.

I would die for Murderbot because of how they were blunt, straightforward, and actually caring at the same time, even though they don't care about anything, and all they wanna do is live their best life watching their serials and not give a damn about pretty much all humans.

I also liked how serious Dr. Mensah was throughout the whole entire thing. She was smart and straight to the point, and she made sure everyone was alright during the entire mission. I really liked the fact that she was also trying to understand Murderbot when they didn't want to know anyone at all. But their friendship bloomed into a friendship of understanding and the ending...it did gut me though because I wasn't even expecting it.

I thought that they were going to stay with them once they were brought from their contract, and they just up and left and left Dr. Mensah the entire recording of their mission, which made me sad a bit, but it's okay, because it left me wanting more and I need to know more. I can't wait to read the next book to see where this takes me, because its SO GOOD.

View all my reviews


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