
Friday, July 19, 2024

Book Review: The Excalibur Curse by Kiersten White

The Excalibur Curse (Camelot Rising, #3)The Excalibur Curse by Kiersten White
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The ending of a series is something I sometimes dread but I greet it with a smile. The Excalibur Curse was an okay book, but there was nothing to run home and tell Mama about. It was a fun time reading about Guinevere's growth and how she could love a lot of people, like Branigen, Isolde, Lily/Guinevach, Mordred, and Arthur. I still think that Guinevere and Arthur had the driest relationship throughout the series, so I felt like I was reading about a dry wine. Guinevere wanted some romance, and I felt like she got it with Mordred before he left them (I was worried that Mordred was gonna die, but thank god that he didn't) and Arthur not listening to Guinevere when it came to her unmaking herself because she wanted to give the Guinevere she thought was dead and wasn't her a life she deserves, and I'm glad that it didn't go that way, because I don't think I would be interested in the new Guinevere and she just goes back to being Nimue.

The addition to the new characters was actually pretty fun to read about. I liked reading about the Picts and the Saxons, and also how Fina joined up with them so she could become a knight. When Guinevere wanted to betray Arthur so she could go and free Merlin at the end, I thought it was a great plan. But how it was executed was very weird and odd and it really didn't make any sense at all, even when Lancelot used Excalibur to break the spell on the rocks so she could go inside and confront Merlin, only for Guinevere to turn around and create a devil's trap for the Dark Queen. Then when Merlin asked for the sword, over and over again, Guinevere said no and she killed both of them...which was fine, though I really didn't want Merlin to die, tbh.

I did like it when Guinevere, thanks to Morgana, went through her friends to see how they're doing, only to find out that Morgana was just using them to get information and to kill Arthur, but when they were in the Green Church, it got flipped around and she was killed by Arthur, all because Merlin told him to and to not listen to anything she said, which was fucked up but I was sad that Morgan died.

Was I happy about the ending? Not...really. It fell flat for me, and I wanted more from the book, and Kiersten White making Guinevere choose both Lancelot and Arthur was okay, I guess. I wanted more, but when it ended like that and everyone was happy that Guinevere didn't unmake herself and become a new Guinevere, and also Arthur gave Excalibur back to the Lady of the Lake. Oh, and Guinevere has no more magic.

I really enjoyed this book series and I don't know if I'll read it again, but it was really fun reading it.

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