
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Book Review: The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White

The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising, #1)The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a fascinating retelling of Arthur and Guinevere, and the twist that Guinevere is a changeling sent to protect Arthur was very interesting indeed. I found that I enjoyed this book more than I thought, mostly because of how we see this Guinevere learn and struggle with her position of being a queen, then trying to be a wife to Arthur and also trying to protect him at the same time. I feel like this is quite refreshing to see, instead of just Guinevere marrying Arthur, and then oh she meets Lancelot and oh she betrays Arthur by being with Lancelot and all that good stuff.

I also liked the romance that blossomed between Arthur and Guinevere. It was quite refreshing to see two people learn to love each other instead of just knowing each other and then hop into bed. This romance between Arthur and Guinevere is sweet, kind, and gentle, and then Mordred appears almost every single time next to her, acting like he was "protecting" her, saying little things like "Oh, I know what you are" and all that jazz. But when Malagear, I think his name is, kidnapped her, he did show up...and he gave her an idea about waking up the trees.

Well, Guinevere did do that, spilling her blood so she could wake the trees up, but then it backfired on her, when it turns out Mordred tricked her into summoning his mother/grandmother, I believe. I was shocked when that happened because I wasn't expecting it. But I still enjoyed it nonetheless, and I now want to finish reading the series to find out what happened next.

Bringing up legends like Sir Tristan and Isolde and making Sir Lancelot a girl (in which I wanted them to get together, but ah well), to making Merlin, shockingly, look like the villain in the book about what happened to her and why she only knows knot magic and not actual magic to help protect Camelot, I enjoyed myself. Seeing Guinevere struggle in Camelot and try to hide everything she is while doing so, also trying to figure out her feelings for Arthur, it was actually pretty darn good and I cannot wait to read the next book in this series, because I need to know what happened and how Camelot survive, and also how Arthur and Guinevere get on in their blooming relationship.

View all my reviews


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