
Friday, August 5, 2016

Book Review: Isle of the Lost (Descendants, #1) by Melissa de la Cruz

The Isle of the Lost (Descendants, #1)The Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book on a trip to Florida and I finished it while on the road coming back home-and OMG I love it. This book is the prequel to the movie Descendants on Disney Channel and the show Wicked World, and I honestly fell in love with it. The children of famous Disney Villians-Maleficent, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Cruella de Vil-are looking for the Dragon's Eye, Maleficent's magic staff, that is at the Forbidden Fortress, in the middle of nowhere at the Isle of the Lost. Mal wants to find the Dragon's Eye so she can make Evie, the new girl in school, fall asleep for a thousand years, even though at her Howling party at Carlos's house when she locked her in the closet....the problem is, it didn't work since Mal touched it and was knocked out for a moment, but then she woke up from it.

Jay, Jafar's son, wants to steal the Dragon's Eye from Mal because....because...oh good lord, I forgot why he wanted to steal the Dragon's Eye from Mal....maybe to make his father happy or something like that???

Evie went along with her new friend Carlos because of his machine that made a hole in the dome, and Carlos went along because of his machine. But at the end of their adventures, all of the villans were disappointed in them because none of them got the Dragon's Eye, including Maleficent when Mal can back and she had the staff in her hand.

How did she get it back, you ask?

That evil, evil raven pet of hers, Diablo, grabbed it (oh, did I mention that Diablo came back to life???) and brought it to her.

This book also share a little bit of Aurdon (I cannot spell that place), especially Prince Ben, the son of Beast and Belle, and his little problem with some of the characters on his island, his girlfriend Princess Audrey, and his weird dream of Mal and frolicking in a garden with her. Then at the end of the book, he has an idea after feeling sorry for the kids of the Isle of the Lost....

I loved it and now I'm planning to get the second book real soon and maybe try and catch the movie.

View all my reviews

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