
Friday, May 24, 2024

Book Reviews: Hooky Volume 2, Heartless, The Vanderbeeks on the Road & We Hunt the Flame

Hooky (Hooky, #2)Hooky by Míriam Bonastre Tur
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The art style was perfect and my heart kind of broke in the end. Also I still love Princess Monica and I'm now worried about Daimen and Dani. That means TIME TO READ BOOK THREE

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HeartlessHeartless by Marissa Meyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Heartless by Marissa Meyer felt like you're looking inside the mind of a famous literary character and how she turned completely evil. I liked reading about the humble beginnings of Catherine Pinkerton and how she wanted to open her bakery, because she could make the best pastries in Hearts. But thanks to her dear mother, who thinks that she shouldn't be doing that, is pressuring her to fall in love with the King of Hearts, marry him, and live happily ever after.

Yeah, right.

During the night of the King's Ball, she meets a man named Jest, and the two of them have some really cool adventures-going to Hatta's shop to have a real tea party, going out and seeing the real Hearts at night, I guess, and also trying to figure out how to keep their relationship a secret. When the Jabbawocky starts to attack, everyone in Hearts is scared and afraid and doesn't know what to do. So Catherine, along with Jest and her maid Mary Ann, figure out where the Jabbawocky is coming from and why it's attacking people.

Who would've thought that the attacks and the Jabberwocky is actually Sir Peter Peter's wife? I wasn't even expecting that outcome, but when it did, I was shocked, and was worried when Catherine finally got to fight the Jabberwock, but once it died and Jest was killed (QUITE VIOLENTLY, BY THE WAY) and that they wanted her heart because she was supposed to be the Queen of Hearts...well....that changed up Catherine's whole world completely.

Seeing her turn into the villian we know and love was very well-written and I loved every bit of it. Seeing the three sisters and how each of the characters turned out at the end was very good, though painful, and this might be my first book I like of a Alice in Wonderland retelling.

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The Vanderbeekers on the Road (The Vanderbeekers, #6)The Vanderbeekers on the Road by Karina Yan Glaser
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second Vanderbeekers book that I've read, and once again, I loved it. In this book, the Vanderbeekers are on the road to surprise Papa about the road trip his grandfather (or father, I think?) wanted to take with him before he passed. But like any Vanderbeeker book, this does come with funny hijinks and worry about a family splitting apart.

Laney tried to keep Jessie and Orlando from going to Berkley by doing everything she could possible to make them miss their interviews, and she did make Orlando miss his, but instead, with that turnaround, Jessie used her interview to talk about Orlando and he go it, and now Jessie isn't going to Berkley. Isa and the others were wondering what was going on, and why Jessie and Orlando were being secretive, all over their phones and whatnot. Even one time Oliver and Laney broke into their phones and wrote them a fake email changing the times so they wouldn't go to their interviews.

At the same time, everyone is stuck in this van, trying to go and see their Papa and also deliver two cats to their Auntie, who was speaking at the Monterey Bay Aquarium I believe, and for Mr. B to go up to Auntie Penny (I think that's her name) and they also stayed at a Dude Ranch when the van broke down. I really liked the pictures of the many states they went through--I thought that they were a really nice touch, and the miles the family went though to get to Monterey Bay was also fun as well.

I am planning on reading the rest of this series, because it is a fun time and I love it so much :)

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We Hunt the Flame (Sands of Arawiya, #1)We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


That ending. What-how-EXCUSE ME?!

So first off, before I go off a weird tangent on why this book surprised me, this is my second time reading Hafsah Faizal's books, and We Hunt the Flame might have to be the second book of hers that I like. This book felt like a weird combination of Assassin's Creed and Skyrim, with the names I peeped (Altair and Haytham) and how this book felt like a very long episode or movie of a really good fantasy show, and I really didn't want it to end.

My favorite characters would have to be Zafira, Nasair, and Altair, shockingly. I do like the other characters, like Yasmine, Lana and Deen, and the villain of the month goes to the Lion of the Night, because SHEESH brother. SHEESH. And that reveal about the Sliver Witch and Nasir and the Lion of the Night and Altair. Like, I NEED to know more, because ma'am, you can't just drop that and then end the book! You just...you just can't!

The atmosphere and the danger of it all was set up really nicely, and the fact that I wasn't even expect half of the things that happened in the book was so good that I almost screamed. I'm so glad that I got book two so I can read it and find out what happened next, because I GOTS TA KNOW, DARN IT.

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