
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Book Review: World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War by Christie Golden

Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War (World of Warcraft, #11)Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War by Christie Golden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

To the people who told me that Jaina was right in this book: y'all were right.

Ya'll were right.

Do I really wanna go to Origrimmar and smack the unholy hell out of Garrosh Hellscream after WHAT HE DID TO THERAMORE??? WHEN THERAMORE DID NOTHING TO HIM??? NOT ONE DAMN THING TO HIM? Yes, yes I do. Because what he did made me so mad. Even when he actually wanted to do it again, cleansing all of Alliance, who did NOTHING to him at all. They were just living their best lives and minding their own business for him to just up and decide that he wanted to take over the world and get rid of the Alliance so the Horde could rule Azeroth.

Baine and Vol'jin know what Garrosh is doing and are trying so hard to tell him that what he's doing is wrong with a capital W, but Garrosh seems to not hear it. He uses a mana bomb to obliterate Theramore and calls it a victory, thinking that Jaina is dead when she isn't. She is so angry at what happened to her home and her people that she steals that Focusing Iris and wants to destroy Origrimmar like Garrosh did to Theramore, but Kalecgos and Thrall stopped her from doing just that, and she turns around and uses it to destroy Horde ships...

...which made one Garrosh Hellscream very upset.

This book was so fast-paced that I sometimes couldn't keep up with everything, but those last couple pages, feeling Jaina's pain when Theramore was destroyed by Garrosh and wanting revenge...it was the most beautiful thing ever. This was a six star read for me and it's becoming a favorite read of 2025.

View all my reviews


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