My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Did I read this book in two days? Yes.
Did I enjoy myself reading this book? Yes, yes, I did.
Did I wish that there were book four in this amazing series? Yuup.
What was the only downfall to this book? Nothing...all except that it was longer.
This was the first fantasy romance I read that had kidnapping in it and also a dragon getting drunk on ayahuasca and then actually turning around and kidnapping the girl back. Then the two are trying to figure out the relationship, when one hasn't seen actual people in five years and another one just can't figure out how to talk to people, let alone shake people's hands without breaking them. I truly enjoyed this book for reasons that might surprise you.
One, I really like how Dante and Cherry were taking the time to know each other, even though it was mostly Dante trying to pry it out of her and then get so confused about how to do this that he calls up Fallon and Felix and ask them how the hell do he talk to his wife. I found it very adorable to see a huge dragon like him flustered about trying to figure out how to talk to his wife and trying not to mess it up at the same time. I also liked how he gave Cherry the time it needed to get to know him, and when they did, it was perfect.
The spice in this book might be my favorite written spice in a while. Many times, they try to smash, but they can't because something keeps interrupting them, which was pretty funny. When they had their tryst in the gardens in Kirkwall (and yes, my brain IMMEDIATELY went to Dragon Age,) and they witnessed that funny argument with Rachel and her beau who also had a lovely tryst...in the same place...but different places...with Rachel's sisters.
After Dante gets kidnapped himself and ends up at a gladiator ring, he nearly kills the king because he was searching for Cherry, it turns out that his sister found her, also the taking sword Alexis is back, and she found out that the white kitty Rebekah is a different type of beast, which was shocking because I thought Rebekah was a cute kitty. Apparently, she can turn into a beast and turn people into zombies.
All in all, I truly enjoyed this book and I'm sad that this is the last book in the series because I really enjoyed this one so, so much :)
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