
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Book Review: The Hidden Moon (Pingkang Li Mysteries) by Jeannie Lin

The Hidden Moon (The Pingkang Li Mysteries, #3)The Hidden Moon by Jeannie Lin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was alright. It went over my head, the mystery part. I thought, to be fair, that is was a romance between Shen Gao and Wei-Wei, and the both of them solving a murder mystery in the Pingkang Li. There was a murder, that I know of, but then it kinda switched over to the romance between Gao and Wei-Wei. The writing was good, I liked the writing, it drew me in and I was in the Pingkang Li, but the mystery was eh, I didn't really either care about it, or it just flew over my head and it didn't make me want to follow the mystery and find out who did it.

That's all I honestly remember-the relationship between Gao and Wei-Wei, and how Gao has tried, multiple times, to stay away from Wei-Wei, only for her not to do that and she needed to get with Magistrate Li, only for her to go up to the mountains and live with Taoist monks. Gao, who helped catch the who did it and the killers and what not, got money, became the magistrate (a county one) and asked Wei-Wei's dad for permission to marry her. Wei Wei's father was like, "Okay, you can marry her. But go back up to the mountains and get her" and he did, and they got married. That's all I remember.

Ask me about the mystery, I can't tell you a damn thing. But all in all I enjoyed this book.

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