
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Book Review: The Oracle Queen by Kendare Blake

The Oracle Queen (Three Dark Crowns #0.1)The Oracle Queen by Kendare Blake
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So...lemme get this straight….

A Queen named Elsabet is drugged every single day, not being able to use her god-given powers, right? And her husband is cheating on her left and right in front of her, and the one doing it, the poisoner, is watching from the back, pulling some strings so she can do it? Really? And on top of that the bad guys won?


Basically this is my first time reading something from Kendare Blake, and I have to say, this book shocked me. One because you think that the Queen was going to win, she was going to dump her husband and that’s it, she’s still on the throne, nothing bad will ever happen to her, and she’ll be fine. But NO. It seemed like throughout the story, she was going to be betrayed by her Black Council, who locked her up (W...TF) and killed all of her subordiantes (once again...W...TF), and also killed the painter (W...TF) also accidentally killing the maid (for the people in the back...WTF).

So basically this whole entire short novella was about a queen falling from grace, getting locked up by her people, and her husband basically cheating on her. I did enjoy it, but I loved the world building the moment I started reading the first page. It was really good and I wanted to read more, even though the ending shocked the hell out of me. I fell in love with this world, and I wanted to read more (so I’m gonna read the Young Queens, because it turns out...The Young Queens is first, then The Oracle Queen, then the rest of the series…) because yes I would read the first book of the series, but I wanted to read the novella first, to see how they are before I throw myself reading the rest of the series.

View all my reviews


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