
Monday, November 6, 2017

A 'I Think This is Gonna Be a Very Long Book Haul' Book Haul

Hey y'all!

So first off, I can't believe that I haven't posted anything since August (me terrible blogger because of school and life and me being boring and playing a shit ton of games on Roll20 and D&D) but I'm back and I have lots and lots of photos of books that I have brought over the couple of months and today you get to see what books I've gotten over the two months

All in Good Taste by Kate Spade New York

So I LOVE Kate Spade New York (even though they're bloody expensive and I have to drool at their purses and shirts) but All in Good Taste is honestly beautiful. I love the typography, the photos, even the drawings they have that just makes the book more special-they even have recipes that sound good, like cheese fondue (I can't cook, so reading the recipes makes me want to learn how to cook and actually maybe one day have friends over to enjoy the food). 

How to be Parisian Wherever You Are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits by Anne Berest, Audrey Duncan, Caroline de Maigret, and Sophie Mae

I've always wanted to read this book-this book has been on my TBR for a very long time when it came out and I'm finally reading it. It's a really a good book (a bit of some spoilers for my book review coming soon) and it does have some advice and really good photogentic pictures. 

Lauren Conrad: Celebrate by Lauren Conrad

Ahhh Lauren, LC, the girl I watched when Laguna Beach was on, then you went to The Hills and from the Hills you've written two book series, and now you're writing self-help/ideas books, like Beauty and now Celebrate. I'm going to read you when I get done with Kate Spade or the Parisians, because you have great style and I love the way you write and explain things. Also I am going to buy the rest of your books one day. 

Williams-Sonoma: The Best of Thanksgiving by Williams-Sonoma

Guys...THANKSGIVING IS COMING. Even though the stores are skipping pass this wonderful holiday (why stores WHY), this book talks about the elegance of Thanksgiving (well to me it is) and it has a bunch of recipes (like the rest of the books) and I can't wait to read you as well. 

Perfectly Matched by Maggie Brendan

I've read this first book of the Blue Willow Brides series and just loved it, loved it so much that I wanted to read more of them. And then I found this one at the library and I just HAD to get it. Its the last book anyway but I don't care-I WANT TO READ IT. 

The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side by Agatha Christie (a Miss Marple Mystery)

Soooo....true story....I've never read an Agatha Christie novel. I've listened to the audiobook of the Murder on the Orient Express (and I will see that movie, dammit) and that was it. Then I picked this one up and I was interested in it...though I'm still confused how the girl died by drinking something. that wasn't meant for her. No spoilers please I'm still reading this and figuring it out.

Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice

My second Anne Rice novel that I haven't read yet, but it might be next year when I read it, along with the other books that are on my long TBR list. Servant of the Bones sounds like a really good book, espically when it deals with n angel. 

The Vampire Diaries: The Fury and Dark Reunion by L.J. Smith

Even though the show spawned eight seasons, I refuse to watch it, even though right now I'm currently watching the spinoff the Originals on Netflix. I like the book version better, mainly because I can imagine things in the book instead of picturing the show version of the book...even though I have a Stefan bag (#noshame-that was back when the show came on and it was really good).

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Never owned a copy of the book until now. That is all. 

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

I've seen the movie but I never ever read the book before-until now. I'm glad I grabbed this version of Jane Eyre and I will read this one along with Wuthering Heights soon..really soon. 

Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

I've read this book once-just once-and I DNFed it. Now I'm going to read it again, mostly because this book got be back writing in diaries again, even though they're online and everyone can read them. I have seen the movie and it was really funny, and I've always wanted to read the books too. 

Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

Ahh, Louis...such whining, Louis....are you tired of listening to this? I've been listening to that for 400 (I think) years now...

Oh hello nolstalgia, my old friends Louis, Lestat and Claudia. I've missed you since I've seen the movie when I was young, and now I have you in book form so I can read you over and over again, as long as I wish. You would be a Halloween book, but any year and any day to me I'll get to read you and enjoy you, and join you in your adventures. 

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