My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book...this book right here made me laugh-like bust out laughing-while also shocking me and making my mouth drop. I loved this book out of all of the Cabal novels I've read over the months that I've read them, so what is this book about?
Well...Horst is back. Back back. Back from the Dead back. And the ones that brought him back-the Ministerium Tenebrae-wants him to create vampires for their army of the undead, so they can create a country for the undead. Then that's when the voice of Horst's ripper-that's what I call it (I used to watch/read wayyy to much Vampire Diaries and the Originals)-started whispering in his mind like Phury's did in his book, wanted to do it, to drink the blood from the table, in the wine glass and in the bowl. But he didn't and escaped with the help of the Dee Society, and then he met Miss Montgomery's Flying circus.
While they were getting aquiented, they were attacked by zombies, a werebadger, obelisk, and a stone spider *in which I screamed because I hate spiders so much* and then as Horst tells this story to his brother Johannes, he asks him to help him destroy the Ministerium. Though Johannes reluctantly said yes, the two packed up Cabal's things to meet up with Miss Montgomery's trio of fliers and went to the rondevous point and met with serveral....how shall I put this....members of each religious group, some were witches (the Sisters of Hecate or the Hades one, I believe) and others were fighters, and before they attacked the Ministerium, they had a meeting, where Cabal explained that the Red Queen was none other than Lady Orfilia Nimuka, daughter of Count Merchal, and on top of that, Rufus Maleficarus is alive and walking...or so he thought.
The Mirkavian battle started, and everyone brought their best warriors out, but the Ministerium lost, even when Horst and Cabal, along with Alisha, went inside the castle to kill Rufus and Lady Misericorde. Cabal tricked Rufus, who turned out to be the Eriskghal Working and trapped him in Rufus's body, while Alisha died-killed by dopplegangers, and Horst killed them all by listening to his inner ripper and killed them all.
But the ENDING though....Johannes found the book he was looking for, and then asked Horst about the Fountian of Youth and the Philsopher Stone.....but when Ninuka was alone and randomly talking to the urn....THAT was freaky enough.
So I really do recommend this book and the whole series if you haven't read it yet!
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