My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I've read this book before, but then I didn't finish it and I put it right on back, thinking that it was boring, but now that I picked it up again and read the whole entire thing, I actually loved it. Librarians going to different alternative universes to get books and bring them to the Library, a place where books are housed and stuff. Now this book introduces Irene, a Librarian who is looking for Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers, and is set to work with Kai, a newbie to the Librarians.
The alternative they're sent to is London, but not the London that you know and love. This London has zeppelins made in Liechtenstein (and also Liechtenstein is also a country in this book), Fae, vampires, werewolves, even alligators and stuff like that. When they get to this new alternative, they met a detective named Vale, a fae named Silver, and a group called the Iron Brotherhood. Does this sound like a D&D story to you? It does to me, and I enjoyed every single moment of it. It had mystery, adventure, and also it had a dragon in it (in which I sat up and said, 'well hello there, dolly!' (not in those terms though) But I'm glad that they got the book...
That had to deal with Alberich's story?!
But first, Alberich...he's scary af. Like he skinned a librarian alive just to walk around in in skin, and then took another woman's skin and nearly killed Vale, and when Irene used the Language to take the skin off...what was under it almost scared the living hell out of me, but then I was glad because Irene (and Bradamat, whom I thought betreayed the library and I was wrong and I started to actually like) and Kai helped stopped Alberich and now wherever he is, I hope he stays there (tis a lie, but a girl can dream) But I loved this story and I want to read more of the books, I really do.
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