My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Hello there, and welcome to my TED talk about how much this book completely broke me. *screams about this book for 12 hours straight*
Holy crap, I'm ready for book two.
So this book is about Jude Duarte who was kidnapped by a faerie named Madoc when she was seven years old, after he killed her parents. She lived in Elfhame since then, and she had to deal with the curelness of the Faerie and including Prince Cardan, and...homegirl is a badass. She's good with the knife and sword, and she became my favorite character.
*takes inhaling breath* BOIIIIII.
At first, I hated Cardan-in fact, I wanted to hang him upside down and leave him there. But then as I got to know him more and more...I started to like him. I started to like him so much that I honestly wanted to hug him for what his brother Balekin did to half of the family...and then when Jude and Cardan kissed, I was like, 'that's my ship'
Now I'm ready for book two and the third book, which I don't have but it's on my TBR and I just want more of these characters, dammit it-I NEED MORE OF THEM.
But back to the book review, in which I am all over the place with this...
Jude became a spy for Prince Dain's court, and she was a terrible spy, but it did hurt to read that she got stabbed in the hand really hard because Prince Dain told her too. Then the short romance between Locke and Jude (which I shipped for a little bit) before Balekin killed everyone, thus making everything go to hell before Jude came up with a plan...which was to put her young brother Oak on the throne. But Oak was too young, so Madoc would do it. Butttt then at the end, Cardan got the crown so he could rule, and honestly it looks good on him, really, it does.
And now I'm ready for Wicked King and the last book so I can die of happiness.
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